Stately Refurb Needs More Than A Lick Of Paint

In my latest e-newlsetter from one of the three heritage memberships I enjoy, there came news of an very important acquisition for them.  A very run down but architecturally significant stately home had been won with help from the government and public fund raising subscription.  a mighty feat indeed, considering how many other calls on funds there are.   It excites me personally as I will thankfully never be in a position to make decisions over which part of a stately home can be saved and which can’t, and I adore the opportunity to wander through these places and soak up atmosphere of times past.

Using professional maintenance and building agents for any refurbishment is the best policy, whatever the size of property.  They are expert at knowing just how to make the most of a space, however limited, and within most budgets and can handle the planning side too.  Much simpler than refurbishing a stately home!