Getting a home improvement project underway can be a rather frightening prospect if you’re like me. I have these grand ideas about having the kitching ripped out and replaced with modern stramlined loveliness. I’d do that in a trice but I am alway anxious about having any odd chaps wandering about in my much cherished singleton pad. A few years ago I had the bathrooms upgraded to very shiny white sanitary ware, stone floor and wall tiles, finished off with gorgeous slimline fitted cabinets. The finished effect was so fantastic and dramatic that I have only just stopped showing all my neighbours and poor unfortunates who didn’t get out of the way in time – and my work was done 12 years ago. I was lucky enough to have a councillor colleague with a son in law with his own bathroom installation company. No problem with trust or security issues. Feeling confident and comfortable with the work force in your home is critical.