Buiding Regulations Protect From Free For All

Every property in this country will have had some form of planning operaton attached to it at the very beginning.  From In 1947 the Town and contry Planning Act was commenced to restrict sprawling bulding to replace all that was lost during WWII.  There was a danger that any old shape or size houses would ruin the country so systematic planning was introduced.  Then came the formal Bulding Regulations 1965, coming into force in February 1966.  This ensured that any building over a crtain size, be it a new build, or tacking an extension on to an existin one could be subject to inspection and the requirement to submit plans to the local council Planning department became the byword for controlling the landscape and what’s within it.  It doesn’t always work.  Many folk try to twist the system; getting minor outline perission but then building something massively different fro that permitted scheme.  It’s good to see in some cases, the local planning authority taking infringers to court, even as far as the High Court, and eventually winning the case for the building to be flattened.  sometimes you just have to applaud!