Making Carpet Cleaning Easier Than Ever!

Whatever type of stains you have on your carpet, all of them require a little cleaning and maintenance every so often.  What often makes this task more difficult is the hassle of moving furniture, waiting for the cleaning product to dry etc.  Carpet cleaning needn’t be that hard though.  If you want to learn how to make carpet cleaning that bit eaasier, here are our top tips to remove stains and smells.

Using cleaning powder is a great way to get your carpets gleaming again. This is the best method for cleaning your carpet with powder, whether it’s baking soda or a powdered carpet cleaner :

  1. Sprinkle plenty of the powder over the carpet.
  2. Leave the powder to work its magic for around 30 minutes.  If you can leave it longer, then that’s even better!  It gives more time for it to work, and soften up any stains AND get rid of any nasty niffs.
  3. Once the time is up, simply vacuum up the powder!

Carpet shampoo is another very popular way to clean your carpets. There are many different brands available on the market, so make sure that you follow the guidance on the label of your cleaner.

  1. Mix up the solution as recommended on the label.  Often the cleaner will need to be mixed with water to dilute it down.
  2. Only use just enough to cover the area you are cleaning!
  3. Try not to make the carpet too wet – this doesn’t just waste the product, it also means you’ll have to wait longer for it to dry!
  4. If you need to, use a stiff brush to scrub any badly stained areas.
  5. Leave your carpet to dry fully.
  6. Once dry, use a vacuum cleaner to finish off the job.

And there you have it!  Clean and fresh carpets all round.