There are many types of property out there for sale and rental these days As soon as something even slightly quirky or interesting comes up, there are loads of developers and privateers who want to get in there and convert it to a dream dwelling – with a dream price tag to match something that folk don’t necessarily take account of is local planning issues and checking there are no bizarre covenants or restrictions in place that stops their plans dead. If for eample the property proves to beGrade I or II listed, then this will open a huge can of worms for anyone fancying a complete knock down and total rebuild. Nor can any alterations take place, any windows changed, any materials item be refurbished without the appropriate department within planning giving their express permission in quadruplicate and more. The regulations protecting properties is very strictly dealt with at local councils. In fact, having a contractor on board experienced at working with Listed buildings will be a good thing even before bidding commences.